

国際シンポジウム「Preparing Students for Communicating in East Asia(東アジアの言語コミュニケーションを考える―多層言語社会香港からの示唆)」にご参加いただいた皆様へ

河合 靖(北海道大学)

さる3月8日(火)北海道大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究院にて開催された表題の国際シンポジウムにご参加いただいきまして、ありがとうございました。基調講演をいただいた香港理工大学人文学院副院長のウィニー・チェン先生、フォーラム・ディスカッションで招待講演をしていただいた香港大学日本研究学会日本語プログラムコーディネーターの萬美保先生、口頭発表の依頼を承諾して研究・実践の紹介をしてくださったチャック・ブラウン先生、カサンドラ・カワイ先生、年度末の多忙ななか来場いただき、発表をお聞きいただいた参加者の皆様、このシンポジウムを運営し、発表した科研 B「東アジア圏の複言語主義共同体構築―多言語社会香港から示唆」(香港プロェクト)の構成メンバー、すべての方々に心より感謝申し上げます。また、同時通訳で今年度もお世話になった、北海道通訳者協会の泉園子様、川内裕子様、ならびに同時通訳の機器をご提供いただいたECプロの星様にも、深く御礼申し上げます。






今回、私の発表で「translanguaging bilingual communicator model」ということを言わせていただきました。目標言語のモノリンガルの言語運用をモデルにするのではなくて、状況や話し相手に応じて言語の種類や語彙レベル、話速などを変えながら話していく二言語話者をモデルにすべきではないだろうかということです。内実は、発表数日前に苦し紛れにひねり出した概念ですが、そんなに悪くないのではないかと思っています。当然、批判や反論があるものと思っております。自分自身、下手の横好き「レクリエーション・バスケットボール」の二言語話者版だと自覚もしています。でも、この概念で救われる英語学習者もたくさんいるような気がします。「変わらない夢を流れにもとめ」いつか「口をきくのがうまく」なることを願っている、そんな自分に気づいた、今回のシンポジウムだったように思います。



To all participants to the international symposium: Preparing Students for Communicating in East Asia

Yasushi Kawai
Symposium Coordinator

I would like to express hearty thanks to participants to the international symposium held in Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University on Tuesday, March 8th, 2016: Dr. Winnie Cheng, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Miho Yorozu, Coordinator of Japanese Language Program, Department of Japanese Studies at the University of Hong Kong; Dr. Chuck Brown and Ms. Cassandra Kawai, who accepted my offer to give their presentations at the symposium; participants who joined this symposium and listened to the presentations at the end of the academic year, one of the busiest time; and my fellow members of the Hong Kong Project (Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research – Kakenhi — (B) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS): Constructing Plurilingual Communities in East Asia: Implications from Hong Kong) who organized this symposium with me and presented their splendid research studies. I also appreciate Ms. Sonoko (Sunny) Izumi and Ms. Hiroko Kawauchi from Hokkaido International Communicators Association (HICOM) for their professional contribution as simultaneous interpreters as well as Ms. Hoshi from EC project who provided us with the simultaneous interpretation system.

This symposium is supported by the JSPS grant proposal that aims to obtain suggestions from Hong Kong, a multilingual community that developed for historical and geographical reasons in order to construct multilingual communities in East Asia in the present era of globalization when people and information moves beyond borders and multilingual communities appear anywhere in the world. According to the keynote speaker, Dr. Cheng of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the invited speaker, Dr. Yorozu of the University of Hong Kong, the direction of Hong Kong educational policies in general is heading towards outcome-based-education, where achievement objectives of language education are also described as behavioral statements; curriculum is formed and implemented to achieve those objectives; and presently the course evaluations from the outcome-based perspective are the tasks for educational institutions. In Japan as well, educational institutions are demanded to have accountability for their education, which seems to be a common trend in the world. Globalization calls for the development of second language proficiency; thus, more accountability seems to be demanded in language education than in any other field.

The illustration of cherry blossoms are in the poster of this symposium. I visited the University of Hong Kong for the first time more than a decade ago. When I was having a breakfast in the dining of a guesthouse at the University, I heard a familiar tune played by the piano. It was a tune, “Rouge” written by Miyuki Nakajima. The song was sung by Naomi Chiaki, and Miyuki Nakajima also included it in her album. But it was far from a big hit in Japan. I wondered why this less-than-famous song was played in Hong Kong, a remote place from my home land. After a long time, I found that the song had been sung in Cantonese by a Beijing-born singer, Faye Wong, with the title of “Broken-Hearted Woman,” which was sung in Mandarin later and became a huge hit in Chinese communities in Asia. She wanted to go to a western country via Hong Kong when she first went there but at that time immigrants from outside Hong Kong had to stay at least one year. She decided to stay there and started her career as a singer though she was not successful when she released the first three albums. She went to the US for half a year, but came back to Hong Kong and resumed her singing career. “Broken-Hearted Woman” was in her album, and the song became famous all the way to Taiwan and other Chinese communities. She became one of the greatest singers in the whole Asia.

“Rouge,” the original song of “Broken-heart Woman,” starts with the line: I have become good at speaking to a drunken. It also has a line: I had only one lipstick in Cherry-blossom pink. The history of this song and Faye Wong seemed to me to symbolize Hong Kong and globalization; thus, I added a twig with cherry blossoms into the poster of this symposium. I implied that someday Japanese would be better at speaking to a foreigner in a language other than Japanese when more non-Japanese speakers come into the country though we are poor at doing it now. Incidentally, Dr. Yorozu, who gave a talk and Prof. Kobayashi, who presented her study in this symposium are alumnae of Fuji girls’ high school, which is attached to a women’s university that Miyuki Nakajima graduated from. They lived in a dormitory where college students also resided in those days. So the three women cohabited in the same building without knowing each other.

We have learned in this symposium that education policies head toward outcome-based-education. Educational institutes describe outcomes as the goals of their educations in behavioral statements, construct and share curriculum to attain that goals with all the members of teaching staff, and keep transparency of their works by clearly explaining to outsiders so that they can fulfill their accountabilities. Now, in Hong Kong, they are at the stage of evaluating their outcome-based education. They recognized that numerous points need repairing. In the end, it was found that endless repairs must be needed for everything they did. Outcome-based education, ironically needs process-oriented implementations in order to make it effective.

Miyuki Nakajima wrote a song entitled, “Worldly matters.” It starts with “Only boneheads are always distressed because the world keeps changing.” The song was used as a soundtrack in a TV drama, Ninth-grade B-class, Mr. Kinpachi. Many must me familiar with the song who watched the drama. The song has refrains of a line: Yelling in chorus by demonstrators is passing by, looking for an eternal desire in a stream of changes in order to battle against those who wish to have unchangeable dream by stopping the time. Is Miyuki Nakajima is on the side of the boneheads who are distressed by the changing world, or is she among the demonstrators who keep yelling in chorus to demand the change? The interpretation is debatable. After the symposium, this line was ringing in my head.

In this symposium, I presented a notion of a “translanguaging bilingual communicator model.” It implies that we should not have a monolingual target language proficiency as the goal of second language learning but a bilingual speaker who speaks changing languages, vocabulary and speech rates according to context and conversation partners. This concept was something I came up with while I was struggling to complete the presentation slides, but now I feel this is not so bad. I expect criticism and counter arguments. I am crazy about basketball but very bad at it: thus, I invented a phrase, “recreational basketball” that advocates the right of poor players to play the game. The translanguaging bilingual communicator model may be a second language learning version of recreational basketball. Yet, I feel there will be many English learners who will be saved by this concept. The symposium made me realize that I am wishing to become better at speaking in another language while looking for my unchanging dream in a change.

March, 3rd, 2016





第二言語習得の個人差要因研究。アラバマ大学では、レベッカ・オックスフォードに師事。英語学習者の学習ストラテジー、学習スタイル、動機づけを主な研究対象とする。主な業績は、Focus on context: Narratives from East Asia(共著:C. Griffiths, R. L. Oxford, Y. Kawai, C. Kawai, Y. Y. Park, X. Mae, Y. Menge, & N. Yang, System, 43, pp.50–63, 2014年)、「学習者の多様性―学習スタイル」(単著:小嶋英夫・尾関直子・廣森友人(編著)『成長する英語学習者―学習者要因と自律学習―』大修館書店, pp.21-46, 2010年)、Speaking and Good Language Learners(単著:Griffiths, C. (Ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners, Cambridge University Press, pp.218-230, 2008年)、Sources of Internal Self-regulation with a Focus on Language Learning, (共著:Y. Kawai, R. L. Oxford, & A. Iran-Nejad, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 21(1-2), pp.45-60, 2000年)、Effects of Cultural Contextualization in Listening Materials on Motivation and Strategy Use(単著: I.T.L. Review of Applied Linguistics, 127-128, pp.101-126, 2000年) など。



